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Talk of the Town Party UK

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One thing that I always find quite un-eco-friendly is the giving and receiving of cards.  There’s definitely something special about receiving a handwritten greetings card in the post with an actual letter and some thought in it, but many of us send a simple happy birthday or merry Christmas card without a note at all.  We simply write Dear so and so, love me.

I’m not one to keep these things either, so it goes on the side for a short while and then in the recycling.  That’s it.  It seems so wasteful.

Luckily, if you like sending cards there is a way to be more eco-friendly.  Simply make sure you buy cards made from recycled materials only or why not buy seeded cards that have wildflowers and plants embedded into compostable paper that can grow into something after use?

It’s such a great idea and one that I have stumbled upon recently when browsing Etsy for a more eco-friendly Christmas card alternative.

talk of the town party uk - wildflower seeded grow card christmas - lylia r

talk of the town party uk - wildflower seeded grow card pack christmas - ly


Eco-friendly wildflower seeded cards

I discovered this fab business on Twitter and they have an Etsy shop called Talk of the Town Party UK.  I ordered a pack of Christmas cards which have wildflower seeds embedded in to the card!

The recipient can simply plant the card in their garden or a pot after the festivities, and enjoy some beautiful wildflowers!  What a brilliant idea!

It’s like a card and gift in one.  I do feel slightly guilty usually buying and giving cards, knowing that the trees are simply going to waste for a tiny moment of our pleasure.  But these cards totally solve this solution.

Not only do they have a practical and beautiful use, after display, but the cards are made from 100% recycled materials.  They are totally guilt free.

As owner Jennifer pointed out to me too, even if they do end up in the bin, there will be some beautiful flowers popping out all over the landfills!

Wouldn’t that be an amazing site if everyone purchased these wonderful cards?

I’ll be giving these cards to a select few who I think will definitely plant them after use.  I can’t wait to discover their reactions when they realise they can plant their Christmas cards and see what grows.  I may also have to keep one for myself just to plant and see what happens!

Real reindeer poo Christmas cards!

Jennifer also sells cards with a Christmas tree seed embedded and actual reindeer poo inside as fertiliser!

I also love all the designs, especially the rhino Rudolph!  This shop just gets more and more awesome!

To view all these fantastic eco-friendly and purposeful cards click here: (The shop is now called Summer Lane Studio and it still sells all these wonderful cards!)