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Caring For Your Pet: Things Dog Owners Tend To Forget

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Dogs are one of the most common pets for one simple reason- they make great companions! 

OK, perhaps there’s more than one reason.  Here are some of the reasons why people love to get a dog as a pet:

  1. Companionship: Dogs are known for their loyalty and ability to form strong bonds with their owners. They provide companionship, unconditional love, and emotional support, which can have a positive impact on an owner's mental and emotional well-being.

  2. Social interaction: Dogs are social animals and enjoy being part of a family or a pack. They thrive on human interaction and can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. Owning a dog can also encourage socialization with other dog owners during walks or visits to parks.

  3. Exercise and outdoor activities: Dogs require regular exercise, such as walks or playtime in the yard. This encourages their owners to be physically active as well, promoting a healthier lifestyle. Activities like hiking, running, or playing fetch with a dog can be enjoyable and help improve fitness levels.

  4. Security and protection: Many dog breeds have natural protective instincts, which can make them effective watchdogs. Their presence alone can deter potential intruders and provide a sense of security to their owners and their property.

  5. Training and intelligence: Dogs are intelligent animals that can be trained to perform various tasks and commands. This ability to learn and respond to training can make them valuable companions and working partners in areas such as search and rescue, therapy, assistance, and more.

  6. Variety of breeds and sizes: Dogs come in a wide range of breeds, each with its own characteristics, appearance, and temperament. This diversity allows people to choose a dog that aligns with their preferences, lifestyle, and living situation, whether they prefer small, medium, or large breeds, or have specific requirements such as hypoallergenic dogs.

  7. Tradition and cultural significance: Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years and have played significant roles in various cultures. They have been companions, working animals, and even symbols of loyalty and devotion.

These factors, along with the unique bond and joy that dogs bring to their owners' lives, contribute to their enduring popularity as pets.

Unfortunately, however, looking after a dog isn’t always as easy as it seems.  An animal will normally display signs if something is wrong. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you are doing something wrong- it just means you might have forgotten something!

Things Dog Owners Tend To Forget

Things Dog Owners Tend To Forget

There is a lot that you can forget when it comes to caring for a dog, so try and make sure you are always doing the following.


A common myth among dog owners is that the average dog ages seven years to every one human year. While a dog does age much quicker than a human, this information isn’t entirely accurate.

It all depends on the breed of the dog, but a medium-sized dog will age around fifteen human years in their first year. Every subsequent year is equal to around nine human years. As such, your dog is sadly going to get very old during your lifetime. Common signs of a dog's ageing include losing weight, low energy, an intolerance to exercise, and a reduced appetite. Fortunately, you can reverse or reduce the effects of some of these signs of ageing with natural dog supplements. Dog supplements are usually crafted to deal with specific issues. As such, you should head to ProDog for more information.

Leaving Out Fresh Water

Forgetting to leave out water for a pet isn’t something that is exclusive to dog owners. It is normal for most people to forget to drink enough water themselves. However, it is still important to make sure that your dog stays hydrated.

Most dog food has a high liquid content, so it is likely that your dog is rarely overly dehydrated. Although, a dehydrated dog will display symptoms of lethargy or weakness. As such, you should always remember to leave out a bowl of fresh water for your dog every day. Dogs are incredibly messy drinkers, so make sure that you are refreshing this water when it is empty or dirty. Most owners agree that the best time to change a dog’s water bowl is after a long walk.

Pack Dynamics

Having one dog in the family is great and it is normal for a dog to settle into your routine pretty quickly. A dog’s natural ability to settle into its new environment can make it all the more tempting to bring another one into the fold. Unfortunately, this is where some of the trouble can begin.

While there is nothing wrong with having more than one dog in the home, a lot of dog owners forget that dogs are innately pack animals. This means that they will immediately establish a pecking order in your family. Normally a dog places itself at the bottom, and the person who feeds them is normally considered the alpha. That is why they respond to your commands. However, bringing in another dog- particularly one of the same gender- can disrupt the established dynamic. That is why you must make an effort to ensure that your previous dog does not act out toward the new arrival or start disobeying your commands by making it known that they are higher in the pack order than the new dog. You can do this by feeding the older dog first and by slowly bringing the new dog into your house. Before they meet at home, it is always a good idea to have the dogs meet on a walk first.

Leaving Your Dog

Leaving a dog at home on its own is just a normal part of life. We all have things to do, and you can’t bring your dog with you everywhere. Sadly, a dog does not understand this, and they are not aware that you are going to return. As you can imagine, this belief can make them feel quite stressed.

A dog that is left home alone for too long is going to start acting out. This could mean that they start to tear up your furniture out of stress or that they will bark or howl for attention as they believe they have been abandoned. This is a type of behaviour that is sure to upset your neighbours. That is why it is important to arrange a schedule within your family so that your dog is never left alone in the house for longer than four hours at a time. If this is unachievable, then try to remember to ask someone nearby to pop in and give your dog some attention.

Pet Insurance

Pet insurance isn’t a necessity for dog owners. Although, you will be grateful to have a policy in place when the time comes. It could save you a lot of money in the long run and your dog’s life.

A good pet insurance plan will require you to make a series of monthly payments. These payments will be used if you ever need help from the pet insurance company. Insurance will help you pay for any vet bills should your dog fall ill or get injured, and some policies can even help you pay for your dog’s safe return if they are stolen. Either way, it is important that dog owners do not forget to insure their pets.


The breed of dog you choose will have a big impact on how they behave in your home. Many people forget that there are various breeds of dogs to choose from. While all dogs share similarities, no two breeds are exactly identical.

For example, the pug breed has a relaxed nature and is best for families with young children. On the other hand, a golden retriever is a very sociable creature with a lot of energy. As such, they will need a long walk at least twice a day which may be too stressful for young children to handle. Then there is the husky, which has been bred to work in cold temperatures over long distances. This means they require more exercise and time outdoors than any other breed. If they are bored or have too much energy, a husky can act out aggressively. That is why they require a certain type of owner, one who has a lot of spare time on their hands. All this means is that you should remember to research the breed of dog you are thinking of adopting before you bring them into your home.

Caring for Your Dog's Dental Health

One important aspect of dog care that often slips the minds of many owners is their furry friend's dental health. Just like humans, dogs require proper dental care to maintain good overall health. Unfortunately, this is something that can easily be forgotten in the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Neglecting your dog's dental hygiene can lead to various dental issues such as plaque buildup, bad breath, and even more serious problems like gum disease. These issues can cause your dog discomfort and affect their overall well-being. So, what can you do to ensure your dog's dental health is not overlooked?

Firstly, regular dental check-ups with your vet are essential. They can identify any potential dental issues early and provide guidance on maintaining your dog's oral hygiene. Additionally, brushing your dog's teeth is a crucial part of their dental care routine. While it might not be the most enjoyable task for either you or your pup, it's a necessary one. There are specially designed dog toothbrushes and toothpaste available to make this process easier.

You can also consider dental treats and toys designed to promote oral health. These can help reduce plaque and tartar buildup while giving your dog something to chew on. Remember to choose dental products that are safe and appropriate for your dog's size and breed.  Dental chews, in particular, are known to be effective in controlling plaque and supporting whiter teeth, healthier gums, and fresher breath. These tasty treats not only serve as a snack but also contribute to your dog's dental well-being. When searching for the right dental products, it's helpful to read Dr Marty Dental Chew Reviews to gain insights from other dog owners. 

Don't forget about your dog's dental health amidst the many responsibilities of pet ownership. Regular check-ups, brushing, and dental-friendly treats can go a long way in keeping your furry companion's teeth in tip-top shape. Your dog will thank you with a healthy smile and better overall health.

And, don't forget the cost of having a pet dog!

While the joys of having a dog are immeasurable, it's important to consider the financial responsibilities that come with pet ownership. Dogs require various expenses throughout their lives. Here are some key cost considerations:

Initial expenses: When you bring a new dog into your home, there are initial costs to consider, such as adoption fees, purchase price (if buying from a breeder), spaying/neutering, vaccinations, and microchipping.

Food and treats: Dogs need a nutritious and balanced diet to stay healthy. Depending on the size and dietary needs of your dog, food costs can vary. Treats are also an additional expense to consider.

Veterinary care: Routine veterinary visits, vaccinations, and preventive medications (such as flea and tick control) are essential for your dog's well-being. In case of illness or injury, unexpected vet bills can arise, so it's wise to set aside a portion of your budget for such emergencies.

Grooming: Dogs with specific grooming requirements, such as long-haired breeds, may need regular professional grooming services. Additionally, you may need to budget for grooming supplies like brushes, shampoos, and nail clippers.

Training and socialization: Proper training and socialization are crucial for a well-behaved and happy dog. Consider the cost of obedience classes or hiring a professional dog trainer if needed.

Toys and accessories: Dogs need toys for mental stimulation and physical exercise. Additionally, you may need to invest in accessories like a leash, collar, harness, dog bed, crate, and food and water bowls.

Licensing and registration: Some jurisdictions require dogs to be licensed and registered, which often comes with a fee. Make sure to research the specific requirements in your area.

Pet insurance: While optional, pet insurance can provide financial coverage for unexpected medical expenses. Premiums vary based on factors such as your dog's breed, age, and coverage plan.

Boarding or pet-sitting: If you plan to travel or need someone to care for your dog temporarily, you may incur costs for boarding or hiring a pet sitter.

Miscellaneous expenses: There are various other expenses to consider, such as grooming supplies, waste bags, training treats, and cleaning supplies for accidents or messes.

Remember that the cost of dog ownership can vary depending on factors like the dog's size, breed, and individual needs. It's essential to budget accordingly and be prepared for the financial commitment involved in providing a happy and healthy life for your furry friend.

How To Manage Dog Expenses

To ensure you don't overlook the financial responsibilities of owning a dog, here are some tips to help you manage and budget for these expenses:

  • Create a dedicated pet budget: Set aside a portion of your monthly budget specifically for dog-related expenses. Consider all the necessary costs, such as food, veterinary care, grooming, and training, and allocate funds accordingly.
  • Research and plan ahead: Before bringing a dog into your home, thoroughly research the costs associated with the specific breed or size of dog you're interested in. This includes ongoing expenses like food and medical care, as well as potential one-time costs like grooming supplies or training classes.
  • Estimate annual costs: Calculate the approximate annual expenses for your dog and divide that amount by 12 to determine the monthly contribution needed for your pet budget. This way, you'll have a clearer idea of how much to set aside each month.
  • Track your expenses: Keep a record of all the expenses related to your dog, including purchases, vet visits, medications, and grooming services. This will help you stay organized and ensure you have an accurate picture of your dog's overall expenses.
  • Prioritize essential expenses: Make sure to allocate funds for vital aspects of dog care, such as veterinary visits, vaccinations, and preventive medications. These are crucial for your dog's health and well-being.
  • Consider pet insurance: While it involves an additional cost, pet insurance can help alleviate financial burdens in case of unexpected accidents or illnesses. Research different pet insurance options, compare coverage plans, and choose one that suits your needs and budget.
  • Save for emergencies: It's wise to have an emergency fund specifically designated for your dog's unexpected medical expenses. Set aside a portion of your savings regularly to build up this fund and provide a safety net in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Regularly review and adjust your budget: As your dog's needs change over time, review your pet budget periodically to ensure it aligns with their current requirements. Adjust the allocations if necessary, considering factors like age, health conditions, and any changes in routine or lifestyle.

By being proactive, organized, and financially prepared, you can effectively manage the expenses associated with owning a dog. Planning ahead and staying mindful of your budget will help ensure your furry friend receives the care they need without any financial strain.

Final word

Dogs are incredible companions and bring immense joy to our lives. From their loyalty and social nature to their intelligence and diverse breeds, they have rightfully earned their place as one of the most popular pets. However, it's important to remember that owning a dog comes with responsibilities, including addressing their aging process, providing fresh water, managing pack dynamics, and not leaving them alone for extended periods.

Additionally, considering the costs associated with dog ownership, such as food, veterinary care, grooming, and insurance, is crucial for proper financial planning.

By staying informed, organized, and attentive to their needs, you can create a loving and well-cared-for environment for your canine companion.