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Megahome Water Distiller Review: Why I Drink Distilled Water

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Welcome to my Megahome water distiller review.  Read on to learn about my decision to switch my family to distilled water when we made the switch in January 2018.  Learn how we're getting on after six years in February 2024 in the updates at the end!

After some extensive research watching videos, reading articles and checking out all the best water distiller reviews we could, we chose the Megahome countertop water distiller in white with the glass jug. I'll share our honest thoughts in this article with photos so you can see what it looks like, how we use it and clean it, and how we store the distilled water we make. 

I'll also explain why we decided to start drinking distilled water and what was in the UK tap water that concerned us.

Megahome water distiller review

Originally published in January 2018, and updated in September 2022 and January 2024 at the end of the blog post.  Are we still drinking distilled water 6 years on?  How did we get along with the Megahome water distiller after so long? 

Let's start at the beginning of our distilled water journey and the blog post I wrote in January 2018 so you can find out how this all began.  Then you'll find recent updates and thoughts at the end of this article.

Questioning the health of tap water

I’m always on a mission to try and be the healthiest I can be.  Over the past few years I’ve cut out meat, dairy, refined sugar, smoking and alcohol.  I feel a gazillion times better for it all, more mentally and emotionally stable and I very rarely get ill or even catch a cold. 

I never get ill - usually just a runny nose each winter and that's it.  I totally put it down to eating the most healthiest foods daily, not eating any junk and staying active (I go to the gym/classes five times per week).

The one thing I had been putting off sorting out was our water.  I’ve always questioned the safety and purity of our water at home.   You can see the struggle I had with our hard water when I tried to do water only hair washing in these posts:  

It’s hard water in our local area and it often smells like wet dog or has some weird odour which puts me off drinking it!  We’d looked a little into getting some sort of water filter on the entire house where the water comes in, but had never got round to it.  It's also really costly for an entire home water filter.  Another option was to get a water filter in the kitchen to make our own water and I don't know why we didn't.  We were just being a bit lazy and buying bottled mineral water from the shops.  Not only is this expensive, but it creates a load of plastic waste, so although it’s better for our bodies than tap water, it’s not great for the environment to keep producing and recycling single-use plastic.  

We knew we needed to do something and had been discussing a water filter in the kitchen when my brother-in-law's girlfriend told me about distilled water.  They'd recently purchased a Megahome countertop water distiller and were very impressed.  I read a few websites she shared with me and watched some videos and I was intrigued.  Distilled water sounded like the answer to our tap water woes!

Why drinking distilled water makes sense

I spent the rest of the evening and next day researching distilled water and it just makes sense.  I can’t believe I’d never questioned the type of minerals in mineral water before!

I don’t take synthetic or metallic mineral supplements and always make sure my vitamin and mineral supplements are from plant sources, yet I’d never thought that the minerals in my water are dissolved rocks and therefore metallic. Duuuh!

So quite literally, the very next day, after reading lots of best water distiller reviews, articles, blog posts and watching explainer videos, I ordered a Megahome water distiller to make my own distilled water at home: pure H2O.  It already sounded so delicious!

You can shop Megahome water distillers and other brands on eBay by clicking here!

So, what's in your tap water?

I was also shocked after watching people on YouTube measure the amount of dissolved substances in their tap water.  One reading was 460!  That’s 460 different dissolved substances in their tap water!

That’s chemicals they add to the drinking water along with disoolved fertilisers, pesticides, medicines, organisms, inorganic minerals, dirt and more!


I’ve just ordered myself a TDS meter which measures the total dissolved solids in water.  I’m going to test our tap water, bottled mineral water and our home distilled water when it arrives.  I’m hoping for good results from our distiller as distilled water should not have any dissolved substances.  But I’m intrigued to see how much dirt our tap water has in it.

(Update - our tap water had around 200ppm before we distilled the water.  After using the Megahome water distiller, the distilled water reading was only 2ppm)

If you want to measure your tap water, you can buy a TDS meter pretty cheap on eBay or Amazon.

It’s no surprise though.  Where do you think everything in the environment goes?  Those medicines you take, the pesticides sprayed onto crops, the drugs people consume…. it all ends up in our water and no matter how hard they try to remove it all, trace amounts remain and then we consume it.  GROSS!

And if you don’t believe me, get a water distiller and see for yourself. 

You should be able to find preloved and new Megahome distillers on eBay by clicking here!

After distilling our first lot of water, around four litres, I was disgusted at what was left in the chamber; gross dark brown residue!  Dirt and other dangerous substances that I would have swallowed had I drank the water directly from the tap!

It might not look like much, but when we’re consuming this all day long every day - surely it’s going to build up in our bodies and cause damage to our health over a period of time?  As our bodies are at least 70% water, we need to nourish it with the best water available!  For us, this is now water from our Megahome water distiller each and every day!

How to make your own distilled water

Megahome Water Distiller Review & How To Make Your Own Distilled Water At Home!

January 2018: I ordered a Megahome water distiller pretty quickly after discovering all this and so far I’ve been distilling our water at home for five days.  Firstly, it tastes amazing!  It’s SO much tastier than the water from our taps and it’s even tastier than the mineral water we were buying.  Some people say it tastes of nothing, but I love it.  It tastes clean and pure.  There are no weird flavours. 

If your wondering if distilled water tates nice, then try it!  Everyone we give a glass of our Megahome water distilled water to loves it, they always remark how clean it tastes. 

I also think the best home water distiller jug is the glass version, there's something about drinking water from a glass that makes it seem so much purer and cleaner too, but maybe that's just psychological?!  Glass is also non-toxic and eco-friendly, so it has those benefits too.

You can shop Megahome water distillers and other brands on eBay by clicking here!

Mega Home Water Distiller Review Why I’m Drinking Distilled Water

How much is a water distiller?

The Megahome home use distiller was £155 when we purchased it in January 2018.  They can be bought cheaper, but I chose to have the more expensive glass bottle with it instead of the cheaper plastic bottle.  There is a cheaper brand available too, but I watched some comparison reviews and the Megahome water distillers removed the most substances from the water in a test.  There are actually lots of brands available to buy, but you may want to research which are best.

How long do the water distillers last?

They should last a really long time!  If well looked after and positioned properly, there's no reason why they can't last for years!

Update 2021: We have only once had to replace the top part so far.  Megahome were surprised we had to replace it at all as they usually last a long time, but we had positioned it under some shelves and it was quite close, so I think it was our own fault and it had overheated! 

Update 2024: The distiller is still going strong.  We haven't had to replace any other parts in the past 3 years.

Make sure you leave lots of space and air around the fan on the top of the distiller.  However, if you need replacement part, the Megahome water distiller website sells parts too, so you can replace what you need and not the whole thing!

How to use your Megahome water distiller to make distilled water at home

It’s super easy to use the Megahome water distiller for home use.  Just fill the chamber with water from the tap to the fill line, put the top on, plug in and off you go.  Obviously make sure you have the jug in position to catch the water as it distils!

It takes around three to four hours to distil the water and fill the jug.  We usually put ours on each morning and sometimes again in the afternoon.  Once filled, we transfer the water to a sealed large Kilner jar with a tap.  Or into bottles that we store in the fridge for chilled water in the summer.

It also comes with carbon filters to put in the spout to remove odours and I’m sure I read somewhere it gives a nicer taste.  We replace these around once a month, sometimes longer. We find ours online at eBay usually.

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Fingers crossed for excellent health!

January 2018: I’m hoping it will clear my skin and make me feel amazing.  Some sources say you do have to drink a gallon (four litres) a day for the most amazing effects, and I’ve probably had 2-3 litres a day, so I need to up my game.

But it’s so satisfying knowing I’m not consuming all the dirt that’s left in the distiller at the end.  Once you see it, you'll never want it in your body again!

September 2022 update:  My skin has certainly been the clearest ever over the past few years.  Along with drinking distilled water, I also cut out dairy and eggs, going completely vegan January 2018.  I think the combination has helped clear my skin.  Now I only get a few spots around menstruation and no breakouts or other spots barely at all.  Previously I had so many breakouts and often bumpy jaws and forehead with under surface acne.  All gone for good hopefully!  I never think about my skin issues anymore, they just don't happen or worry me!  I'm certain our water from our Megahome water distiller helps.

How we store the water we distil at home

To store the distilled water, we use large glass bottles and dispensers I purchased from The Range.  We have some on the kitchen side with taps that the kids can help themselves to drinking water from.  We sometimes store smaller bottles in the fridge to keep the water chilled in the summer.

Mega Home Water Distiller Review Why I’m Drinking Distilled

How to store water Mega Home Water Distiller Review Why I’m Drinking Disti

How to clean Megahome water distiller

The Megahome water distiller is so easy to clean.  I’ve been cleaning it in-between each use so far and not letting the gross brown stuff build up.  I simply swill it out after every use to prevent any build up.  This is a great way to stop it getting so thick with residue.  Much of the hardened residue will simply lift off or flake off with a rinse inbetween each use.

I watched a YouTube video of a guy cleaning his the other day and it was thick with brown all over it and disgusting.  He’d left it for months, eeeew.  He managed to get it all off with white vinegar, so that’s a good trick for cleaning it.  However, I’d rather keep on top of it and clean as I use it.

The distiller comes with some cleaning powder too which can be boiled in the distiller, with the lid off, to easily lift out any hardened residue every now and then for a deep clean.  You simply add a scoop or two of the cleaning powder, fill with water, plug in and switch on so the water can boil.  Don't put the lid on when cleaning this way.  It will lift all the hardened residue off, and once it nearly gets to the end, you can wipe off the rest of the residue or swill out.  Just remember to set a timer for 3-4 hours to remember you have the distiller boiling to clean!  I find if all the water evaporates then there is some hard residue left, but if you catch it when there's an inch or so of water left then you can easily clean it out as the residue is softened.

We only need to use the water distiller cleaning powder around once or twice per year now, as a good swill inbetween uses helps to keep it clean enough.  We have also moved to a softer water area so this might be helping us to limit how often we need to clean it. 

Don't believe everything you read about distilled water!

There are some scary articles about distilled water at the top of Google when you start researching, but look a little further than those and read as much as possible before making up your own mind.  When I first started researching there was a pretty crazy article at the top of Google scaring people off distilled water, but it seems to have disappeared in the past few years. 

There are plenty of people who have been drinking this water for years from Megahome water distillers and other distillers and they are perfectly fine.  I just can’t believe that people argue pure water is bad and polluted tap water is good.  It doesn't make sense.

Drinking distilled water for two years

Ongoing Megahome water distiller reviews:

I've popped back to this article for a few years since 2018 to update on how the Megahome water distiller is performing and how we are finding the distilled water after so long. 

May 2020 update:  Drinking distilled water for two years!

It's now May 2020 and I'm back editing this blog post to let you know we are still using our Megahome distiller every day!  It's amazing it has lasted this long and still works perfectly as we are a family of four and use it daily.  We use it up to three times a day!

We all use it as our drinking water every day.  It's become a habit and something we do on autopilot each morning and again later on in the day.  Other water really tastes disgusting in comparison now.  I'm so used to the lovely clean taste of the distilled water.

We're all perfectly healthy and haven't dropped dead as some online articles would have you believe.  We've also been vegan for the same amount of time and eat really well most of the time!

We use it as our main daily water drink, but we do have some plant based milk each day which obviously doesn't contain distilled water, so I'm not sure the type of water they use.  So we're not 100% distilled water without consuming any other type of liquid at all.

I'd say I drink the most distilled water as I only have a splash of plant based milk in a coffee and I only drink green tea otherwise.  We use distilled water in our kettle so our hot drinks have it too!

As an experiement, I bought a new kettle when we got the distiller and it's still as good as new, two years later! It looks new and the metal spout is perfect. Our old kettles would get clogged up with limescale from the tap water and go really gross!  

Distilled water is a part of our life now and I'm sure it's a lot better for our health as a family.  My skin is clearer than its ever been which I put down to a plant based diet and distilled water.  I still never get ill, like iterally not at all since I originally wrote this blog post in Jan 2018!  Amazing!

You can shop Megahome water distillers and other brands on eBay by clicking here!

September 2022 update:  We still love drinking distilled water we make at home!

It's been a long time, but I'm just popping back to say we are still using the distiller.  We love the clean taste of the water and use it as drinking water every day. 

We have since moved to Cornwall and the water must be a lot softer here as there is a lot less residue in the distiller after using it, a lot less.

Just this week we had a guest who hadn't tried our distilled water before and they were very impressed with how clean and pure it tastes. 

No plans to stop using the distiller and very happy with Megahome distillers.  For us, the Megahome is best countertop water distiller for daily use.  We sometimes use it twice a day!

You can shop Megahome water distillers and other brands on eBay by clicking here!

February 2024 update: Still drinking distilled water... and we are still alive!

It's been six years and we still use our distiller every day!  We are still alive, still healthy, rarely get ill (still just that runny nose in the cold weather outside each winter, but I shall not complain).

We still love the taste.  Oh, and even Evian water which used to be my favourite, before drinking distilled water, now doesn't taste as good as it used to!

After replacing one part in 2021, nothing else has broken.  We use it usually 1-2 times per day, so this is a good piece of kit that lasts for years. We've been distilling for 6 years and only had to replace one part which was probably down to us not leaving enough air space around the fan.

For us this has been the best distilled water machine for longevity and we wouldn't hesitate to buy another in the future should we ever need to. 

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Distilled Water - why Im drinking it and Megahome review distiller