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5 Steps To Keep Balanced Hormones Through The Holidays

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The holiday season brings families together, but it can also be hectic. Taking care of yourself is essential: If you're in menopause, that means keeping hormone levels in balance. Alongside the festive cheer, your body may be navigating symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and fatigue, all of which can feel more intense during this busy time of year. By focusing on holistic health approaches, you can support your well-being and enjoy the season without letting menopause symptoms disrupt your life.

This short guide explains some estrogen facts and offers five useful ways to help you feel better during the holiday season. Whether it’s managing stress or finding natural symptom relief, each step will help keep your hormones in check while you enjoy festive celebrations with family and friends.

5 Steps To Keep Balanced Hormones Through The Holidays

Eat Nutrient-Rich Foods

What we eat directly impacts our bodies' hormone levels and functionality. A holistic approach to health during menopause includes a focus on nutrition. While this can be a little challenging during the holidays, you can take steps to get the nutrients you need. The big three to start with are fibre, iron and calcium — and several foods are excellent sources of all three. Legumes, leafy greens and whole grains are nutritional powerhouses, not to mention winter squashes and root vegetables like parsnips, turnips, sweet potatoes and swede. It's incredibly easy to work these into holiday dishes.

In addition to the key nutrients mentioned, it's also important to focus on healthy fats like omega-3s, which support brain health and reduce inflammation, both of which can be affected during menopause. For vegans, like me, flaxseeds, and walnuts are great sources, as well as an algae-based supplement.  I love the Nothing Fishy supplement. Including these in your holiday snacks and meals can not only keep your hormones balanced but also provide a festive boost to heart health. And don’t forget to hydrate—staying properly hydrated aids digestion and energy levels, helping you enjoy the season more fully.

Engage in Physical Activity

If you're not already physically active, you don't have to jump headfirst into a new exercise routine during the holidays. You can, however, incorporate some physical activity into your day. You can start small — a 10-minute walk around your neighbourhood, a lap around the shopping centre or going up a flight of stairs instead of taking the elevator all the way up to your flat. The CDC recommends 150 minutes of activity per week, but you can break that up into smaller chunks so this goal doesn't feel so difficult to reach. 

Small bursts of movement throughout the day can significantly impact your hormone regulation during menopause. You could try light stretching or yoga, which not only increases flexibility but also helps reduce stress hormones like cortisol. Simple activities, such as a few minutes of mindful breathing or a short bodyweight workout, can further help regulate your mood and improve sleep quality, both essential for hormonal balance. Even dancing to your favourite holiday tunes can count towards your activity goals.

Support Your Gut Health

As I already mentioned, nutrition is key. Besides your vitamins, minerals and fibre, it's also vital to pay attention to gut health. Friendly bacteria in your GI tract aid in digestion, help you feel fuller and contribute to how your body uses insulin. You may experience bloating and constipation if they're out of balance, which can make menopause symptoms feel even worse. Food products like oat milk yoghurt shots with live active cultures improves your overall gut microbiome, especially with fermentation. Other great choices include kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha. Optimal fibre intake is also important. 

Incorporating fermented foods and probiotics isn't the only way to support gut health during menopause. Staying hydrated and increasing your fibre intake can further aid digestion and reduce bloating, which is especially important if you're indulging in rich holiday foods. Additionally, consider reducing your intake of processed foods and sugars, as they can upset your gut microbiome and contribute to hormonal imbalances. Herbal teas like ginger or peppermint can soothe the digestive system while promoting a sense of calm.

Manage Your Stress

If there's one thing that dampens the holiday spirit, it's stress. Some stress is expected in life, but chronic stress — and not managing overall stress — can make your health take a serious hit. Everyone finds different stress management techniques useful: Popular options include yoga, meditation and relaxing music. Meanwhile, having a helpful support network ensures that you're not going it alone. 

To keep stress in check, focus on mindful eating and self-care throughout the season. Planning ahead and setting boundaries with social commitments can also reduce overwhelm, leaving you more time to enjoy the festive period. If you're feeling stressed, try practising gratitude journaling, which has been shown to reduce cortisol levels. Taking a few moments each day to reflect on positive aspects of your life can have a calming effect on both your mind and body, supporting hormonal balance during menopause.

Choose Impactful Symptom Relief

Menopause symptoms are caused by lower estrogen levels. Hormone replacement therapy has been an option in the past, but it does come with an increased risk for certain conditions such as breast cancer. Fortunately, you don't need to boost estrogen levels to get relief. Plant-based menopause supplements containing S-equol help by binding to estrogen receptors, prompting your body to respond in some ways as it would to more estrogen. This interaction can reduce hot flashes, mood shifts and other uncomfortable effects of menopause. 

In addition to supplements, consider exploring other natural menopause remedies like herbal teas, essential oils, or acupuncture. These complementary therapies can work alongside supplements to reduce menopause symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings. It's also helpful to focus on sleep hygiene—establishing a regular sleep schedule and creating a calming bedtime routine can support your body's natural hormone regulation. Don’t underestimate the power of restful sleep for improving your overall well-being during menopause.

Final word

The holidays offer many opportunities to spend time with your loved ones. Nutrition, physical activity, stress management, gut health, and natural menopause symptom relief with natural plant-based estrogen pills over the counter, are all vital to supporting your well-being during this season. 

Remember, prioritising your health and well-being is key to managing menopause effectively. These five steps not only help balance your hormones during the holiday season but can also be beneficial year-round. Make small, manageable changes that work for you, and you’ll find that it’s possible to thrive through this stage of life while enjoying everything the holidays have to offer.