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Hiring Your First Employee? Here are 5 Must-Dos

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There comes a point in the running of a small business when you have two choices:

  1. Your business continues as it is, generating you a respectable income as a lifestyle business, or…

  2. You hire at least one employee in an effort to grow your business to the next level

Both of these options are viable, good choices; you just have to select the one that works for you and your personal circumstances.  However, in this post, we’re going to focus on those who select option two, and have chosen to hire an employee to help grow their business.

Hiring Your First Employee Here are 5 Must-Dos

Tips when hiring your first employee for your small business

This decision is undoubtedly a positive one and, for small businesses, the hiring of a first employee is something of a rite of passage.  With an employee to help share the workload and provide additional insight, your business should be able to continue to flourish. This is especially true if you learn more about lateral recruiting and choose to hire someone who is already skilled to fill the position.

Of course, as with anything in the business world, hiring an employee is not quite as simple as it may initially sound.

Below, we’ve put together a guide to five essential things you must remember to do when hiring your first employee for your small business.  While this list is by no means exhaustive, it does provide a beneficial “cheat sheet” to some of the most important things you’ll need to keep in mind both before and during the hiring process…

#1 - Investigate the financial realities

Acknowledging that you need to hire an employee is an important development for your business, but now you have to focus on the financial facts.

While you may prefer the idea of hiring an employee full-time, this is extremely expensive, and may not be feasible for a small business in the early stages of growth.

You therefore need to spend time considering two factors: the cost of an employee’s wage, and how much you can actually afford to pay.

When considering this, it’s vital that you use only the most conservative projections as to the finances of your business; you don’t want to have to hire someone, then realise you have missed your income targets and have to reduce their hours.

When you have consulted your figures and have a number you can afford to spend on staffing in mind, use a labor cost calculator to ascertain how far your budget will stretch in terms of number of employees and remuneration rates the company can reasonably afford.

#2 - Speak to a lawyer about contractual obligations

Drafting contracts for employees is not something that you should seek to do yourself.

While it may be tempting to save yourself money and write your own contracts using online guidance, this is unlikely to produce reliable results.

To protect yourself, and your future employee, you need to ensure that the contracts you use are legally airtight and pertinent to your business—so a visit to an employment lawyer is an absolute essential.

#3 - Speak to your local authority about safety regulations

Before you bring an employee into your place of work, you have to be sure they will benefit from a safe and secure environment.

How far you may need to go in regards to health and safety requirements depends on your industry.

Construction businesses, for example, will need to take steps to ensure safety when working at height or around loud noises. On the other hand office environments will require fewer changes, but you will still need to make provisions for areas such as fire safety.

It’s advisable to always speak to your local authority regarding safety, even if you have read the relevant information and feel you have implemented all you need to.

While many see health and safety regulations as burdensome red tape they are, ultimately, there to protect you and your business—so it’s worth going the extra mile to ensure that you comply.

#4 - Consider your options for hiring carefully

When your business has been fully evaluated, you’re ready to begin the recruitment process. At this point, you have two options to consider:

  • Direct hiring. With direct hiring, you place a job advert yourself and sort through applicants. This is arguably the cheaper method of recruitment, but is also the most time-consuming.

  • Outsourcing. If you don’t have the time to go through the hiring process yourself, then it’s worth considering using a recruitment agency. The one downside of recruitment agencies is that they are more expensive, and there’s every chance you might be matched with a candidate you do not think is suitable.

For most small businesses who are making their very first hire, you are likely going to be better off opting for direct hire. As well as being more affordable, it’s more “hands on”, and you’ll feel you have more control to ensure you find the right person for your company.

If you do opt to hire direct, there is one final point to be discussed…

#5 - Ask someone you trust to be involved in the interview process

As important as it is to have control over the hiring process, it’s also important to gain the opinion of someone you trust.

Ask a business mentor, friend, or family member to join you when conducting interviews with prospective candidates. You will find it hugely beneficial to be able to discuss the interview with someone who was actually there, and the person you trust may notice things that you otherwise may have missed.

While you don’t have to strictly follow their recommendations if you disagree, hiring is important, and obtaining a second opinion is always going to be a sensible decision.

#6 - Use a DISC assessment to help pick the right employee

DISC assessments are commonly used in the hiring process to evaluate a candidate's personality traits and how they are likely to behave in the workplace. Here are some ways that people can use DISC assessments when hiring employees:

  • Job Fit: DISC assessments can help determine if a candidate's personality traits match the requirements of the job. For instance, if the job requires a lot of social interaction, the employer may look for a candidate who is outgoing and sociable, and who scores highly in the "D" (Dominant) and "I" (Influential) dimensions of the DISC model.  Finding the right employee with the right fit can justify the DISC assessment cost and save time in the recruitment process.
  • Team Fit: DISC assessments can also help employers determine how a candidate's personality traits will fit with the existing team. For instance, if the team is highly analytical, the employer may look for a candidate who is detail-oriented and analytical, and who scores highly in the "C" (Compliance) dimension of the DISC model.
  • Conflict Resolution: DISC assessments can help employers anticipate potential conflicts and how to resolve them. For instance, if two team members have opposite personality traits, the employer can use their DISC scores to understand how they may interact with each other and how to manage potential conflicts.
  • Coaching and Development: DISC assessments can help employers identify areas where employees may need coaching or development. For instance, if an employee scores low in the "S" (Steadiness) dimension of the DISC model, the employer may want to provide additional training or support to help the employee better manage stress.

It's important to note that DISC assessments should not be the only factor in making hiring decisions. Other factors such as work experience, skills, and education should also be considered. Additionally, employers should ensure that their use of DISC assessments complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

In conclusion 

The decision to hire your first employee should be the beginning of an exciting new phase of your business. However, there’s no denying that the process can be long, stressful, and full of complications that you had no way of foreseeing.

The points above, combined with your own research, should help you enjoy a hiring process that is as smooth as possible from beginning to end and — most importantly of all — ensures you are able to find the perfect employee for your business.

Good luck!

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