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3 ways to make your kitchen look new without a total remodel

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The kitchen is the hub of the home and for many of us it’s where we spend the majority of the day.  It makes sense for it to be a functional space that is adapted to suit our needs as well as looking stylish at the same time.  It should be a place with décor and interior design that we love.  A place we don’t mind spending so much time.  A full kitchen remodel, however, can be pretty extortionate and out of most people’s budgets.  Luckily I’m here today to tell you how you can get the look of a new kitchen for less.

Let me start by saying we are not going to totally remodel the whole kitchen, but simply update it with some savvy tips and tricks to give the impression of a brand new kitchen.  This is a much more affordable solution for most of us.  It’s also much quicker and easier.  The best part is we can even do it all by ourselves.

Here are three of the ways you can update your old kitchen to make it look new, for far less money than a total remodel:

Replace the kitchen cupboard doors

Sometimes it’s just not necessary or cost effective to rip out the old cupboards and totally replace them.  If the cupboards themselves are fine, then you could simply replace the doors.  This will massively update the look of your kitchen.  Online kitchen retailer Kitchen Warehouse has seen increasing sales in recent years for replacement kitchen doors as it’s a quicker, easier and more affordable way to revamp a kitchen. 

Use vinyl tile stickers

If you hate the tiles, but can’t justify the cost of buying new tiles along with the high labour costs of a professional tiler, then tile stickers could be the perfect solution.  Vinyl tile stickers are durable, removable and waterproof.  They come in all sorts of sizes, colours and patterns.  They won’t ruin the existing tiles, but will instantly and inexpensively update outdated or hated kitchen tiles.  Plus they are easy to remove and replace if you ever change your mind.

Change your worktops with contact paper

It’s totally possible to reimagine your kitchen worktops without replacing them. Use contact paper to totally upgrade your kitchen worktops without ever removing the existing set.  This high gloss super sticky paper can be used for a multitude of uses around the home to update floors, walls, kitchen sides and more on a tight budget.  They come in all sorts of designs, prints and patterns so you could get those high gloss dreamy kitchen marble worktops you’ve always dreamt of!

Final thoughts

Using the above tips will enable you to totally transform the look of your kitchen, as if it is a totally new design.  With new worktops, tiles and cupboard doors, your kitchen will look brand new.