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Are silicone breast implants safe?

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Some people feel that silicone breast implants are unsafe, and others feel they're safe. It is important to understand the risks and benefits before deciding on getting them.  They cost a lot of money so you need to be sure it’s right for you.  In this blog post, we will examine the safety information of silicone breast implants to help you make an informed decision on whether or not it's safe to get them.

What factors to consider before choosing implants

Before you decide to get silicone breast implants, it's important to understand what factors may affect your health.

Do I already have other medical conditions? - If so, this poses a risk factor for those who are seeking implantation surgery: there is an increased chance that pre-existing conditions would lead to complications during recovery from surgery if accompanied by high blood pressure or bleeding disorders.

What type of implant should I choose? - This is a decision that requires understanding the pros and cons. Silicone implants are typically more natural-looking than saline, but they're also subject to rupture after implantation which may lead to silicone leaking into your body over time or an allergic reaction.

What can cause complications during recovery from surgery? - The most common complication during recovery from this type of procedure is bleeding disorders due to high blood pressure as well as pulmonary embolism (a blockage in the lung) if there's been any other pre-existing condition such as deep vein thrombosis or atrial fibrillation.

Risks of silicone implants in women

Silicone breast implants are generally considered safe in women, but there are still some risks associated with them.

There is a chance that they may not be as durable as other types of implants - for example, saline or silicone gel-filled when ruptured could leak into the space around the implant which can lead to inflammation and scar tissue formation.

Women who have had their silicone breast implants removed due to rupture or leakage often need more than one surgery because it's hard to remove all traces of fluid from inside the body even if you know exactly where it leaked out before. This includes nerves near muscle attachments that can affect arm movement and sensation over time after removal.

The history between FDA and breast implant safety

Silicone breast implants have been banned in Europe for decades now because even though they weren't considered unsafe, they were considered to be a public health risk.

In America, silicone implants are seen as far less risky than saline and have been FDA approved for almost 20 years now though there is still some debate about whether or not it's safe because of the rupture factor that has led to complications in many cases.

Allergies are also an issue with these types of implants since their production involves chemicals like dimethylpolysiloxane which can cause adverse reactions such as redness around the implant site and swelling or inflammation where it was inserted into your body.

In 1998, the FDA changed its mind when it came to approving types of silicone breast implants. In 1991, they tightened regulations on them due to research that was done showing how women who had these types of implants during the 1980s were experiencing health complications like immune system suppression and autoimmune problems as well as inflammation in their joints from overexposure to polydimethylsiloxane (which is a chemical used in silicone breast implant production).

However, by 1998 things looked different for this type of surgery: there weren't any reports at that time about serious adverse reactions or ruptures which led them to approve new versions of these devices with thicker shells that would be able to withstand rupture better than previous models could. The approval only lasted until 2006 when the FDA finally decided to allow for a voluntary take-back program where women could hand over their silicone breast implants in exchange for money.

To make sure that these types of devices are as safe as possible, there is still ongoing research on the subject though it hasn't produced any conclusive results yet. It's been shown how some patients who underwent this type of surgery were more likely to experience side effects such as inflammation or scar tissue formation around the implant site but not necessarily immune system suppression which can be hard evidence when it comes down to determining whether or not getting one of these procedures should be considered optional.

Which is safer? Silicone or saline?

Silicone implants are generally considered safe when compared to saline models. The biggest risk is that there's a chance the silicone may leak, which can lead to inflammation and scar tissue formation around the implant site as well as other risks like leakage of fluid into your body which could affect nerve endings near muscle attachments or cause immune system suppression for example.

The benefits today, however, include fewer ruptures because these types of devices have thicker shells than in years past, and also fewer allergic reactions due to them being made with dimethylpolysiloxane (a chemical used in production).

Choosing a qualified board-certified plastic surgeon for you breast lift will help in preventing the worst-case scenarios from occurring. 

Steps in avoiding possible breast implant illness

There are times when silicone breast implants may not be right for everyone - if you're pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 18 then this option might not make sense depending on how old you are first off because these procedures require major changes to your hormonal balance and it's not something that should be done if you're still growing.

Ultimately, the decision about whether or not a silicone breast implant is right for you versus saline implants will come down to your personal preference and what circumstances might apply in your life. There are potential complications either way which means there won't always be an answer but with all the risks involved - including health problems like immune system suppression and autoimmune disorders - it's important to research both options before making any final decisions.