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Category: Family and Lifestyle

  1. Riverford refer a friend: new customer offer £15 off

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    In April 2022 we signed up to Riverford at our new address and we’re very impressed!  We also have a refer a friend link so you can get a Riverford discount for £15 off your second organic fruit and/or vegetable box if you are a new customer. 

    Simply use my Riverford link and the £15 credit will automatically be applied to your second delivery.  They plant a tree for each referral too, so free food for you and a free tree for the planet, win-win!

  2. How to save money this Halloween

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    Halloween is an exciting time of year for kids and adults alike! It's one of the best holidays for having fun as a family, dressing up in costume and having an excuse to eat lots of sweets. 

    However, Halloween can also be incredibly expensive if you're not careful. Collectively, people spend millions on Halloween costumes and decorations that are often disregarded once the big day is over. And with the cost of living crisis on the rise, for many families, this Halloween will have to be a little more frugal.

    How to save money this halloween: best tips and tricks

    In this article, we'll give you some of our best tips on saving money this Halloween to cut back on costs. Here are low cost and free ways to celebrate the spookiest day of the year!

  3. Luxury to inexpensive gifts for the woman who has everything

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    This article is to help you find the perfect gift for the woman in your life. Whether she is your wife, girlfriend, mother, aunt, sister, grandma or friend we hope we can help you find something she will love and cherish.  We have a list of luxury to inexpensive gifts for the woman who seemingly has everything that are sure to please her. We hope you enjoy our selection and find something that suits your needs.

  4. Working from home? Here are 7 simple ways to prioritise your health

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    Working from home can be beneficial in a number of ways, but it also has its fair share of challenges. Your work environment and daily routines can have a profound impact on your mental and physical health. When working from home, it can be more difficult to find the right work/life balance, which is critical to good health. Here are some simple ways to make sure your health gets priority when you’re working from home.

  5. 7 Tips For Moving Cross Country

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    Are you moving across the country? If so, you're in for a big adventure! Moving is always a hassle, but it can be especially difficult when you're relocating and moving far away.  However, with a little bit of preparation and organisation, you can make your cross-country move a breeze.

    In this blog post, we will discuss seven tips that will help make your move easier. Follow these tips and you'll be on your way to enjoying your new home in no time!

  6. How to keep your children entertained on holiday

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    Going on a holiday with children, especially small children, can come with a lot of challenges and stress. Keeping them entertained for a week or two away from home can feel like a full-time occupation when you are supposed to be relaxing and recuperating from weeks of work.

    Here we have a short list of some great ways to help you keep your kids busy whilst on your holiday, so you can get some peace and quiet.

  7. Financial legacy planning: how to do it right

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    There are plenty of things in life that we’d prefer to pretend we didn’t have to face up to. Things like tax returns, children growing up and leaving home, and spending Christmas with the in-laws.

    Another one is death. Like all of the above, our own mortality might not be something we like thinking about or talking about. It might feel easier to stick our fingers in our ears, close our eyes and hum a silly tune to shut it out. But that doesn’t make it any less inevitable.

  8. How to help elderly loneliness

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    For all humans, social contacts are important and perhaps even of vital essence. The people around do not only give us a sense of purpose, but they are also important for us in order to stay healthy both mentally and physically. When people become lonely, they lose a sense of connection to their surroundings and this can be very damaging to their well-being. Although this is a problem that affects all age groups to some extent, the age group where these issues are most prevalent is that of the elderly. It is important that we stay in touch with these people who have often seen everyone leave them, usually in unavoidable ways.

  9. How does private healthcare insurance work in the UK?

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    Getting private health insurance is becoming an increasingly popular option among UK residents, particularly with the level of strain that is on the NHS right now. However, before you decide whether or not getting private health insurance is the right option for you, it’s a good idea to learn more about it, what it is, and how it works in the UK.

  10. History of Chinese cuisine in the UK

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    Shall we get Chinese for dinner? This is a question that is music to the ears of many in the UK with Chinese food being hugely popular and always considered a treat whether this is going to a Chinese restaurant, getting a takeout or even cooking the food at home yourself. It is easy to see why Chinese food is so popular in the UK with its diverse flavours, but what is the history of this type of food in the UK?

  11. Top 10 secrets to a happy marriage

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    Every couple wants a happy marriage, but it doesn’t seem as easy to achieve for everyone. There are certain secrets of a happy marriage that couples who have been through all can share to help anyone that needs them. If you are deciding to go on this journey of life together, then you might as well do it happy. It all starts from when you get engaged, through the marriage planning, on to the wedding, and so on.

  12. At what age should you get life insurance?

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    Life insurance might not sound like something you need to think about until you are an older adult, but is that true?  At what age should you get life insurance and is there an upper age limit?  In this article, we’ll cover exactly what this type of insurance is, why you might need it as soon as you enter adulthood, as well as why the pandemic has prompted millions more UK citizens to take out a policy.

  13. How to prepare your last will and testament

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    A will or a testament is a law-binding document you create when you are alive, and it executes your estate plan after your death. It establishes your legal guardianship status for your child as well as the smooth transfer of your funds. The will is a comprehensive document that outlines all your assets and their distribution. It may include information about arrangements for existing accounts or care for elderly parents. 

    It is best to write your will when you are still alive. It gives you a chance to distribute your assets according to your own choice without any legal complications. 

    Your testament will decide the future of your assets and family care, so invest your time and energy while creating them. Here are the steps you can follow to get it done simply and easily.

  14. 4 important things to do as soon as you're married

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    When you're newly married, it can be difficult to keep track of what is happening in the world. You've just said your vows, and now you're on a honeymoon! It might feel like there's no time for anything else besides being with each other- but not so fast! Some important things need to happen after the wedding. These four topics will help new couples get off on the right foot as they start their lives together.

  15. 10 money saving tips when buying bridesmaid dresses

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    When deciding who will be your bridesmaid, be it the best friend or a relative, having this role comes with great benefits such as planning the hen do and helping the bride with many other aspects of wedding planning. It is a pass to know all the details related to the wedding, but not everything is rosy as the bridesmaid may have to help with the wedding budgeting, which includes choosing the bridesmaids dresses within a set budget and not outshining the bride herself.  

    If you’re wondering how much a bridesmaid dress costs, we can tell you that this varies according to several factors including whether you opt for a designer dress or something more affordable.  In this article, we’ll cover 10 tips to take into account when budgeting for the bridesmaid dresses, including money-saving tips.

  16. How to start saving money as a teenager

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    It’s really important to start learning to save money as early as possible.  Learning important money management skills such as saving will help to set you up for life whilst helping you avoid debt and money issues.  Whether you’re a parent interested in how your teen can start learning how to save more of their money, or a teen who wants to take responsibility for their own earnings and savings, read on for lots of tips on how to start saving money as a teenager.

  17. Wedding planning: where to save and where to spend

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    When it comes to planning a wedding, most people like to stick to a strict budget (weddings can be pricey if you don’t do them right). And you’d be surprised how much money you can save by budgeting throughout the planning process. But where should you be willing to spend more? And where should you be making sacrifices to save? Here are a few of our favourite tips to help you plan out your wedding budget:

  18. 10 family travel tips when planning a travelling trip with kids

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    Travelling with your children is an amazing experience; the chance to experience new cultures and make fantastic memories as a family. However, just like life is with children, travelling with kids can be unpredictable!  To help you start planning your trip today, check out these top family travel tips for travelling with kids to make things go as smooth as possible.

  19. Family activities and eating habits to stay healthy

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    To encourage healthy habits in your family, you must practice those same habits yourself. Your kids will follow in your footsteps if you show them that living a healthy lifestyle makes you a better person. If you think about it, it’s unreasonable and hypocritical to expect from your loved ones what you can’t achieve yourself. 

    This principle applies to the activities you engage in and the food you eat; throughout this article, you should keep in mind the common theme of self-improvement being the first and most essential step to fostering a healthy lifestyle for your family. So, naturally, the very first thing you need to do is...

  20. 5 reasons you should never handle a removal yourself

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    We have recently relocated and, wanting to reduce costs, we decided to handle the removal ourselves. Quite a task considering we were moving more than three hours away, had a four bed house and three sheds worth of stuff to move, plus two primary school age children.

    Would we do it ourselves again? I doubt it. Whilst we managed to cut the cost considerably in comparison to hiring removals, including having storage for three months and it still coming in under the removals quote, there are several reasons why I would actually recommend hiring a professional removals company instead.

    Read on to learn why hiring a removal company is worth the money.

    5 reasons you should never handle a removal yourself

    "Please all fit... it's going to all fit... it HAS to all fit...!"

  21. Tips to avoid scams and be safe when online dating

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    Online dating can be a lot of fun and it’s how more and more people meet their other halves nowadays.  With lockdowns and pandemics taking over our lives over the past year, more people are turning to online dating to find companionship and the person of their dreams!

    Whilst online dating is a great way to meet a potential suitor, it’s just like any other online platform when it comes to scams and people pretending to be someone they are not.  When online dating it pays to be savvy and to have some knowledge about potential scams so you don’t fall victim.

    As with any type of dating, you also never know exactly who you are meeting, so it’s vital you follow some important online dating safety tips to ensure you are safe.  This is particularly important if you are a vulnerable person, which we’ll cover later in this article.