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When will your business need the help of a lawyer

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Business confidence in the UK has collapsed of late, following a month that has seen a significant supply of bottlenecks, rising energy prices, fuel shortages and a projected inflation rate of 4%.

With consumer spending also in decline across the board, businesses are facing a raft of challenges in addition to the universal factors that trouble them on a recurring basis.

Let’s face facts, a great deal of things can go wrong when running a business, and some of these problems may require legal assistance if they’re to be successfully resolved. But in what instances is it necessary to seek out legal advice?

When will your business need the help of a lawyer

#1. You suspect your employees of something malicious

In some cases, you may suspect that an employee has effectively engaged in gross misconduct, which may involve a number of acts depending on the job role in question and the terms of your contract (if you have one).

In general terms, however, you’re likely to suspect that the employee in question has done something malicious to harm the company, whether this applies to the embezzlement of funds or the theft of company property.

In this case, you’ll need to liaise with a lawyer to determine your company’s position and whether you have a legal claim to make, to avoid any spurious actions that cannot be proved or supported in court.

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#2. Complaints or conflicts involving employees

On a similar note, you may have received serious complaints from employees, which may pertain to their treatment at the hands of a colleague or senior manager.

Often, such complaints will revolve around discrimination, which in turn may see them treated harshly as a result of their race, gender, sexual orientation or something similar.

This can make you culpable if you don’t act as a company, so a lawyer can help to safeguard your position and ensure that you act in accordance with UK law.

#3. The creation and implementation of contracts

Businesses also have to rely on legal expertise when handling everyday elements of work and implementation, particularly when looking to protect intellectual property and safeguard the future of your venture.

On a similar note, you’ll have to work closely with solicitors when creating and implementing workplace contracts, especially those that relate to high salary job roles and have particularly complex elements.

In some cases, these contracts may contain clauses that stipulate notice periods and payouts in the event of the employee being fired, while you may also include a non-disclosure agreement depending on the nature and profile of the role.

This can be a labour-intensive and time-consuming process, and working with a skilled employment lawyer ensures that you get the wording right and protect your venture going forward.