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» Listings for 2020

  1. Everybody spills things. I don’t think there’s a single human being alive who hasn’t spilt something at some stage. If you have kids and/or pets then it’s inevitable something will spill on the floor, no matter how much you try to stop it.  If you’ve hard floors then great - simply mop up the mess and job done.  But what if you have carpet in your home?  Carpeting an entire room is expensive and you can’t re-carpet every time there’s a spill or stain, so it’s wise to learn how to remove some of the most common stains so your carpet is cost-effective for years to come.  Removing stains from carpets can be a little trickier than mopping a spill on hard flooring.  In this blog post I’ll explore how to DIY to remove some common stains from your carpet.

  2. Having an identity is something that every person in business needs. A business card is one of the best branding collaterals you can rely on to make your identity stronger.

    With some creativity and attention to detail, you can come up with a design that your clients have never seen before.

    Implementing these tips while you design your transparent business card would help you set a firm and strong first impression.

  3. We may only be a few weeks into January, and while there seems to be surprising news popping up every day, there is a big surprise for those of us running small and independent businesses that shouldn’t be overlooked: the self-assessment tax return deadline. 

    Yes, the deadline for those of us who need to complete a self-assessment bill is looming.  It needs to be done by January 31st. And with all the headaches that can come with it, before you go scrambling around the home office trying to find receipts, you’ll want to know how to carry out an assessment without any hitches or hiccups that could be costly.

    In this short post, we’ll look at ways to get your assessment done correctly, as well as ways to get it done without breaking a sweat. It all starts with keeping tabs on yourself.

  4. It’s a general fact of life that your perfect pristine carpets won’t stay that way. Cream carpets are a popular colour choice nowadays to make a room feel new and look bright and airy, but they’re not the best colour when it comes to having kids and pets or in high traffic areas.  Even carpets that are a more forgiving colour than white or cream will soon look less than their best. Carpets are for living on, after all, so it’s not surprising that they get dirty quickly.  But how can you prevent replacing your carpets every few years and spending a small fortune in the process?  Carpets are expensive business with prices in the hundreds per room.  With a few carpet cleaning hacks you will be able to keep your carpets looking as good as new instead of replacing.

  5. For many people, especially busy working mums, going to the hair salon is more reminiscent of a spa day than a menial task.  It’s a chance to interact with someone else, even if small talk is not your forte, a moment to shut eye whilst having a soothing head massage and letting someone else take care of us for a short while.  Going to the hairdressers becomes an experience, rather than a beauty maintenance task that must be complete.

    However, the luxury of a hair cut by a professional hairdresser, especially with a wash and blow dry, does come at quite a cost. 

    I’ve regularly spent up to £45 per haircut over the years at various hairdressers just for a simple cut and blow dry.  It’s quite extortionate!

    I remember even being charged more once because I had long hair.  A £5 surcharge if your hair was longer than a certain length!  Penalised for having long hair!!