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Category: Healthy Living

  1. 7 tips for improving your memory

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    We are all creatures of habit to some degree.  We keep our keys and sunglasses in certain places so that we don't have to look for them. We file e-mails and documents in specific folders. We prepare shopping lists.  We handle the simplest tasks without thinking, such as brushing our teeth before going to bed at night, walking the dog after dinner, and cleaning the bathrooms every Friday morning.

  2. My current top 5 natural home cleaning brands

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    Nowadays we unfortunately live in a very toxic environment and this toxicity is sadly also in our homes.  We often think of pollution as something outdoors, perhaps fumes from car exhausts we are forced to breathe in if we want to walk down the street, chemicals from other people’s cigarette smoke, smoke rising from factories in the distance.  But what we often forget about are the chemicals we choose to expose ourselves to day in day out in our own home environments.

    Aerosols, air freshener, laundry products, bleach and many everyday household cleaning products are filled with toxic irritating nasties that we should really avoid.  Many of the harsh ingredients in these products can cause short term side effects such as headaches, skin irritations, nausea and more. The long term side effects are also a concern.  Regular inhalation of the fumes from these products cannot be good for us.  The red poison, danger and warning signs on the labels are enough to make me stop and think about what I am breathing in, letting touch my skin and pouring away into the environment.

    Luckily natural household cleaning products are becoming more and more widely available.  This means we are no longer forced to use highly toxic potentially health threatening versions and can now choose to have a less chemical filled home.  Sure, they may be a little bit more expensive, but for the sake of our health, our children’s health and protecting the environment, this little extra cost is surely worth it?

  3. 5 tips to get a better night’s sleep naturally *

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    Did you know you spend up to 25 years of your life sleeping?  That’s like a whole quarter of your life if you live to 100 or even more if not.  Crazy right?  I had no idea we spent so much time sleeping.  In fact, I had no idea about half the things in this video which highlights how important it is to get a good night’s sleep in the right position.

    Read on to discover my top tips for getting a great night’s sleep.

  4. Cooking with a four year old: veggie spaghetti chilli

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    Four year olds absolutely love helping around the house and as parents we should take advantage of this before they are teenagers who don't want to help with a thing!  Encouraging your child to help with food preparation can instill a love of cooking and healthy eating from a young age.  There are lots of simple recipes a four year old can help with.  For chopping and slicing, buy a Kiddy Kutter child safe knife - these saw the food, but are unable to cut a child.

    We recently cooked a vegetarian chilli together and I'll share the recipe with you here.