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How to prepare your skin for spring and summer

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Finally the cold harsh winter and surprise March snowfalls we’ve had this year will soon be behind us.  I cannot wait for the warmer weather and neither can my body.  The cooler months play havoc on my skin with cracked lips and dry rough hands. 

It’s never something I suffered with in my twenties, but now I’m in my thirties just a brisk walk outdoors in low temperatures is enough to split my knuckles.  Transport me to a sun drenched summer and my skin will soon glow!

Read on for lots of tips for how to prepare your skin for spring and summer

How to prepare your skin for spring and summer

Hair removal

It will be soon be time to reveal those arms and legs that have been hidden for months, so there’s no better time to restart your hair removal routine whether that’s shaving, waxing or treating yourself to professional laser hair removal treatment.


The winter may be known for causing dry flaky skin, but don’t stop exfoliating in the summer.  The skin sheds more in the summer and regular exfoliation will help to speed up renewal and give the skin a healthy glow, looking younger and smoother.   

Exfoliating your skin is a great way to prepare for the summer because it removes all the dead skin cells on the surface of your skin and allows your moisturizer to work better.

Too much exfoliation can damage the skin, so stick to one or two times per week for best results.

Use sun protection

The sun is much stronger in spring and summer and it’s important to cover up with loose lightweight clothing and a strong enough natural based sun lotion.  It is also vital to get enough vitamin D from the sun so aim for at least 10 minutes in the sun per day without any protection, just make sure you don’t burn or this will damage your skin.

Change to a BB cream

If you wear heavy foundation and powder in winter, consider changing to a BB cream for the summer months.  These are more lightweight and natural looking which is great if you have a glowing tan to show off.  Some even have built in SPF so you’ll be getting two products for the price of one.

Scrub your lips

Lips get a good old battering in the winter from dry to split to chapped.  Revitalise them with a natural based lip scrub and used SPF lip balms and gloss for glowing kissable summer lips.

Stay hydrated

It’s not just about what you put on your skin, but what goes inside.  Parched skin looks dull, tired and aged, so stay hydrated!  Drink plenty of water every day and use a hydrating moisturiser and toner to lock in the moisture.

Eat plenty of fruit and veg

It’s always important to be healthy and eat the most nutritious foods possible, especially if you want healthy skin.  The best vitamins for skin are A, C, D, E, K, B3 and B5.  So pretty much all of them which means you need to eat a plentiful variety of fruit and veg.

Have a cool shower

Hot showers can dry out the skin, so take a warm shower instead.  Even better is a cool shower to tighten pores and help prevent clogging.  If you can’t bear the thought then start with your usual temperature and finish off with a cooler blast before quickly wrapping up in your cosy fluffy towel.


If you want to prepare your skin for the spring and summer, then the above are a few tips that will help.  With extra hydration, more fruit and these tips, you’ll have glowing summer skin in no time.