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Why working from home is better than working in an office

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If you are currently going through a dark patch with regard to your freelance life, you might need to remind yourself of just why it is such a great way to live. The truth is that working from home is one of the best ways to work, and it is a good idea to try and bear that in mind if you start to have doubts about it.

One way to do that is to think about some of the ways in which working from home is always going to be better than working in an office. You might find that this can help you to spur yourself on when things are looking tough, so it’s a useful thing to be able to do.

In this post, we will look at some of the reasons that working from home is better than office work - so let’s take a look now.

Why is working from home better?

Why working from home is better than working in an office

On days like today when it's freezing outside and I get to work under a throw with the fire on, I really appreciate working from home!

Choose your own hours when working from home

This is one of the first things that many people cite when they think of why it would be great to work from home. When you work from home, you can indeed be your own boss and choose your own hours.

This is actually going to be the case whether you are doing your own freelance work or just working for a company at home, so it’s worth remembering. Being able to choose your own hours means that you can absolutely be there for that parcel to arrive, can always make any social engagements you might want to make and will enable you to work at whatever time of day is best for you.

If you work better in the morning then work in the morning.  If you are more productive working in the evening then you can work in the evening.  If you have kids then you can schedule your day around their nap times or when they are at school or in bed.

This will therefore help your productivity alongside with you social life, so you can be sure that it is going to be a worthwhile thing all round.

It can be safer to work from home

There are many potential dangers that may happen to you when you are working in an office. That is not to say that the home environment is entirely free of these same dangers, but that you should be able to remain safer working at home compared to most office environments.

Many office workers suffer some kind of injury at some point in their career, and although there are always injury law firms on hand to help out in such cases, it is clearly preferable not to be injured in the first place.

At home, you have the best of both worlds in that you don’t have to abide by any stringent health and safety laws, but you will also be safer. This is partly because there are no other people there, and so much less chance of being harmed accidentally by someone else. But it’s also because you know your home well enough to be able to keep yourself safe.

Knowing your home well also means that you are going to be much more comfortable there, which is the next point we are going to discuss.

Working at home can be more comfortable

A lot of modern offices might well be quite comfortable these days, but still you won’t necessarily be able to be as comfortable there as you would be at home. Being comfortable is important for ensuring that you are going to be as happy at work as possible, and so clearly you are going to be much more relaxed in your own home office setup than at an office of any kind.

This will also mean that you can enjoy your working day much more and in turn you should be more productive and happy. Being comfortable is something you might start to take for granted, so don’t forget what a privilege it is if you have been working from home for a while and you are unsure whether you are doing the right thing.  Just think of all those bland offices with boring desks and uncomfortable swivel chairs you’d otherwise be sitting on!  You get to chooe exactly how to decorate your home office with bespoke storage solutions, comfy padded chairs, stylish desks and beautiful decor.

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Working from home gives you peace and quiet

Finally, if you are freelancing at home, chances are that you are the kind of person who prefers your own space rather than the company of others. This is something that is going to be easier to come by if you work from home, and it might even be the main motivating factor in why you are operating this kind of lifestyle in the first place.

There is plenty of peace and quiet to be had at home compared to the office, especially in an open plan style office, so this is definitely something that you can look forward to. It really makes the working day a lot easier to manage and enjoy if you need quiet to concentrate and be at your most productive.

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