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6 real life matched betting stories

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If you’ve read my matched betting blog then you’ll know I’m a big advocate for matched betting.  Matched betting is a way of extracting a profit from the free bet offers that bookies regularly offer.  In short, you use a mathematical equation to cover all outcomes in order to extract a profit from the free bet.  But it’s not complicated as companies like Profit Accumulator have step-by-step instructions and software that does all the calculations for you.

It’s a great way to make extra income from home in your spare time.  Whilst you may have read my own matched betting story already, I also want to reassure you that there are many success stories from other bloggers who have tried matched betting.  In this blog post I will share real life matched betting stories from other bloggers.

I started matched betting for an extra source of income when I decided to go self-employed full-time.  I was worried I needed some extra income sources, so took the plunge and tried matched betting, even though I wasn’t sure if it was a con at the time!  Luckily it wasn’t and it gave me some extra cash for our family finances every month for two years.

I made £5685.15 cash from home in 26 months using Profit Accumulator as a total beginner to sports and the world of betting. You can try a few offers for free without entering any credit card details in their free trial. Easily follow their step-by-step guides and videos. I didn’t 'get it' but I followed their instructions and made over £5600 in two years in as little as 30 minutes a week!  

The amount you can make really can vary as you’ll see below as other matched bettors share what they’ve made.  You can easily make £1000 very quickly, in a couple of months and continue to make anywhere from £100 to £500 per month ongoing.  One blogger has even made £100,000 in four years thanks to some of the casino offers!

Read on to discover how much money others have successfully made from matched betting and why you should check out Profit Accumulator to start your own matched betting success.

6 real life matched betting stories (3)

Successful matched betting stories:

1.     Michelle - £100-£400 per month

"When I first found out about Matched Betting I was so scared to try it but what I found was that following the instructions was fairly simple and it fits perfectly around the other money making I do from home. I don’t do it regularly but just a few hours here or there when I feel like it has earned me on average between £100-£400 per month."

2.     Josie - £1000s in 2 years

"I was really unsure about matched betting to start with because I was worried my not so great maths would be a problem but it turned out not to be. The real skill needed for matched betting is simply following the instructions carefully and methodically and I’m good at that! I did it regularly for around two years and made thousands of pounds, before stopping because my freelance work increased too much for me to carry on. It’s definitely something I’d go back to in the future if I needed to earn some extra money."

3.     Adam - £35,000 in 4 years

"I’ve made over £35,000+ over 4 years.  Typically I aimed to make £300-£500 a month but some months I made much more when the opportunities were there or I was fortunate with casino wins.  I liked the fact it’s tax free profit.  It’s also extremely flexible in that there’s always something that can be attempted any time of day.  Final point is that it’s really easy to pick up thanks to the beginner friendly subscription services (I use PA).  Even though I do less now I always have some form of matched betting in my mix of side income."

Outplayed Matched Betting

4.     Emma - £1000 in 3 months

"I first gave matched betting a go while I was a student. I wanted to earn some quick money and take the pressure off having to work during exam season! I managed to earn between £300-£500 a month for 3 months, which gave me £1000 to tide me over during my exams!"

5.     Jennifer - £10,000 in 1 year

"I started matched betting out of curiosity but it quickly became my hobby. In my first year, I made just under £10k but have since slowed down. Now it's about £300 per month, leading to a total of £11,800."

6.     Katy - £100,000 in 4 years

"I have made in excess of £100,000 in 4 years thanks to a couple of lucky wins!  I’m using the money to buy a house!"


Wow, what a lot of amazing matched betting success stories from other bloggers!  It’s the perfect side hustle to do alongside any other job as you can literally check and do offers in your spare time.

Check out all my matched betting blog posts below to answer some of the FAQs you might have and see it featured in some top publications to prove its legitimacy.  Profit Accumulator can honestly explain how it works much better than me, but you don’t need to understand the maths to make a profit as they’ll hold your hand and show you exactly what to do using their user-friendly software.7

Matched betting explained



A list of matched betting blog posts

My matched betting journey

I’ve made £300 tax free cash from home in 2 weeks and you can too!

£753.62 matched betting profit month one (and silly mistakes)

Matched betting profit 2 months: £1341.81

Matched betting profit after 3 months: £1706.81

I've made over £2000 in four months matched betting

I made over £3000 matched betting in 2017

Matched betting milestones: 18 months and £5000


Matched betting blog posts + FAQs

Not sure about matched betting?  Make £40ish now to see if it’s for you!

Does matched betting affect mortgage application?

Is matched betting a gateway to gambling and is it dirty money?

How I earn up to £50 per hour matched betting from home

Profit Accumulator review: 6 reasons to use PA to make money matched betting

Is matched betting legal?

How much money I made matched betting each month for two years

Why I quit matched betting

Is matched betting free?

Why isn't everyone doing matched betting? Debunking matched betting myths

5 matched betting beginner tips

Profit Accumulator free trial

3 ways to make money online in the UK with Profit Accumulator

Matched betting and coronavirus


National publications that feature matched betting



Calvin Ayre


make money online matched betting profit accumulator



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6 real life matched betting stories (2)