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  1. If you are planning on selling your Mac because you’re upgrading to a new one or simply don’t need it any longer, you will not want your buyer to get access to all the information and data that is stored on your machine. Because of this, there are several things that you will need to do before selling your Mac, including getting rid of all the data stored on it and restoring it to factory settings for the new user.

    This procedure will involve removing all of your data from the Mac and making sure that your accounts are no longer connected to it, which means that the new user will be able to set it up with their own account and data and will not be able to restore yours.

    Here’s what to do before you hand your Mac over to its new owner.

  2. Building a nest egg for your children? Preparing for retirement? To reach your end goal, you must take the first step towards saving. It is easier said than done, yes, but you must know that the secret to saving is simply starting and starting now.

    Saving money can be challenging but pushing through and being consistent is key. Here are five money hacks that will put you on the right path to growing your savings.

  3. We’re always looking for ways to save money, and one of the easiest ways to keep hold of your pennies is by becoming mindful of your at-home energy use. Particularly during those cold winter months, you’ll probably find that your electricity bill goes up significantly- but you don’t have to be a victim of drastically increased bills.

  4. Arlington, well-known for it's National Cemetery, is a city that's springing forward more and more every year.  Becoming more cutting edge in multiple industries gives it the chance to grow its economy and make room for more newcomers.  If you want to ride the waves of this growth, it's good to know which industries are booming!  Here are the most quickly growing types of businesses in Arlington; get in before it's too late!

  5. For those with entrepreneurial ambition, it feels like the wrong time to be launching a business, and many would-be start-ups are placing their plans on hold.

    It’s true, the challenges that lie ahead are many – whether you’re new to your industry, an experienced pro striking out on your own or simply a long-term SME owner trying to survive.

    But the golden age of ecommerce has only been hastened by the events of the last two years, and for many businesses, it has been a lifeline. Armed with a little know-how, savvy entrepreneurs looking to launch themselves online for the first time can thrive with just a few simple tips – here are three to get you started.

  6. While home insurance can save you a lot of money if your home is destroyed or burglarised, it could be costing you a lot more than it should in premiums. Many people do not think about the cost of their home insurance, but if saving money is at the top of your mind, you should be thinking about how to lower it.  It’s one expense that you might just be able to slash. Here are lots of ways to save on your home insurance.

  7. This time of year varying temperatures, inevitable rain and the new trend of working from home have meant that many are looking for ways to stay comfortable & productive in their homes.  When the temperature drops and the central heating goes on, many of us are starting to notice condensation building on our windows along with damp and musty smells in our homes.

    Dehumidifiers are a great way to remedy these issues.  In this blog article we will explore the benefits of smart dehumidifiers for your home, and in particular, how to keep your home comfortable in spring with a Devola dehumidifier.

  8. Are your personal finances causing you stress? Getting your money under control can lead to benefits like reduced stress levels, debt reduction, and having money to invest in yourself and your future. By organizing your finances and reducing debt, you can free up funds to invest in what's important to you, whether it's a new car, a vacation, or a financial investment. Don't let worry take over your life; face the problem head-on and create a plan to achieve financial stability. Start your journey to financial freedom today.

  9. Let's face it, running a home can be costly. Groceries, utilities, insurance—all of these things add up. If you or a loved one have a chronic illness, injury, or disease, there can also be medical supply costs to consider. Buying some items, like toilet tissue, in bulk will allow you to save some money. Here are four suggestions to help you save money on food and supply purchases.

  10. Taking time for yourself and looking after number 1 has never been more important than it is right now. Everyone has had a tough year, the majority of people have either been rushed off their feet working crazy hours, or you’ve been furloughed, possibly made redundant and therefore taking care of yourself has probably been taking a back seat.

    2021, however, is the time to put yourself first. It’s the time to sort out your routine, to look after your skin and get healthier. It’s not easy to rewire your habits and learn new things so make sure to take your time and not be too hard on yourself.

    Read on to discover how you can best focus on you in 2021.

  11. Despite being your safe haven, your home can be quite a costly place to live. All those bills can really put pressure on your finances, especially if you’ve got a family to look after. That means you’re probably reluctant to shell out when it comes to home maintenance, preferring to deal with stuff on your own or simply hope the problem goes away. However, this can ultimately cost you more money in the long run.

    If you don’t hire a professional to check these potential problem areas, they could cause damage that will be expensive to repair. You might not love having to pay them now, but you may regret not doing so if something ever goes wrong.

  12. A trip to the dentist is often at the top of most people's “things we tend to put off” list.  It's a necessary evil and a hassle at the best of times; especially now with current circumstances, it makes the process just that little bit more annoying.  In addition to the inconvenience and time consumption of a regular dentist appointment, we also often put off cosmetic dentistry even though many of us wish we had a better looking smile. Cosmetic dentistry can be expensive, which is probably the main reason here.  Fortunately, whether you can’t make it to the dentist right now or if cost is a major factor, there are some alternative treatments available to order online from the comfort of your home.

  13. Online dating can be a lot of fun and it’s how more and more people meet their other halves nowadays.  With lockdowns and pandemics taking over our lives over the past year, more people are turning to online dating to find companionship and the person of their dreams!

    Whilst online dating is a great way to meet a potential suitor, it’s just like any other online platform when it comes to scams and people pretending to be someone they are not.  When online dating it pays to be savvy and to have some knowledge about potential scams so you don’t fall victim.

    As with any type of dating, you also never know exactly who you are meeting, so it’s vital you follow some important online dating safety tips to ensure you are safe.  This is particularly important if you are a vulnerable person, which we’ll cover later in this article.

  14. When travelling abroad, it is important to make sure that you are prepared for the duration of the trip with all the items and medication that you will need.

    But where should you start when it comes to keeping yourself healthy before you travel?

    To help you out, we will be providing you with a list of 5 ways that you can keep as healthy as possible when travelling.

  15. Looking for a great idea for a self-care gift for a new mum?  Choosing a gift for a new mother is definitely a complicated process for anyone who tries it, especially if you don’t have kids yourself and aren’t sure what they might need.  We usually get stuck in the dilemma between buying a practical item that will help her with her baby or purchasing an item that will be more focused on her own care and rejuvenation.

    Of course, our first thought always leads to buying a baby-related gift, such as clothes, trinkets and toys. But think again. Is another baby outfit perfect for a newborn child? Has it ever crossed your mind that the baby's parents might have enough accessories and toys?

    Instead, look at things from a different perspective. Consider buying an item that really concerns the mother and can help ease the pressures of some of the tasks she now has as a mother or something that can make personal care easier or more luxurious.

    There are thousands of products that can make a mother's life easier without much expense. So you can choose from dozens of things and the new mother will be really grateful that you offered them. What are these gifts, you are wondering? Let's find out right away: 

  16. We all dream of being financially secure: perhaps we aim to be financially stable so that we have more freedom to do whatever it is we love; we wish to protect our family’s future so that they can have a good education; we have an expensive lifestyle we wish to indulge in; or we want to retire early and live a comfortable, stress-free life.  But how can you secure your financial future?  Read on to find out.